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Multipart Uploads

Multipart Uploads can be accomplished one of two ways, using either the raw request methods or using the higher-level method startMultipartUpload. Using the low-level request methods requires the handling of the uploadId of the upload and the ETags of the uploaded parts. The higher level method produces a Resource[F, MultipartUpload] which can be used.

Multipart Uploads Requests​

Multipart uploads can be accomplished by using the raw requests to S3. These can be used in cases where a large file is required to be uploaded and should be seperated into smaller parts for upload. It is important to note that a file should be seperated into parts of at minumum of 5 MB in size, the final part is an exception to this however.

All methods described here support additional optional headers that can be included in the request. Please refer to the S3 Documentation for more information on what headers can be applied to different methods.

A multipart upload begins by using the createMultipartUpload method. This method produces the uploadId which is needed by other requests.

s3.createMultipartUpload("hello-world-bucket-example", "mp-file-example").flatMap { response =>
IO { println(s"UploadID: ${response.uploadId}") }
// res0: IO[Unit] = IO$551448852

If, for any reason, the multipart upload is needed to be cancelled, this can be done with the abortMultipartUpload method.

uploadId = "943465sdf54sdf654sd321fdf")
// res1: IO[org.http4s.Headers] = IO$766173839

The listMultipartUploads method can be used to see ongoing uploads within a bucket. This also obtains the uploadId for each upload.

def printMP(upload: Uploads): IO[Unit] = IO { println(s"UploadID: ${upload.uploadId}") }

s3.listMultipartUploads("hello-world-bucket-example").flatMap { response =>
response.uploads.get.traverse(printMP _)
// res2: IO[Vector[Unit]] = IO$1347867045

A list of parts uploaded so far in a multipart upload can be obtained using the listParts method. This returns each part's ETag which is necessary for completing the upload.

def printPart(part: Parts): IO[Unit] = IO { println(s"Part Etag: ${part.eTag}") }

uploadId = "943465sdf54sdf654sd321fdf")
.flatMap { response => _) }
// res3: IO[Vector[Unit]] = IO$1895583351

To upload a part, the uploadPart method is to be used. This requires an EntityEncoder in order to encode the contents of the chunk. It also requires a part number which is necessary for reassembling the parts into the completed file. In S3, part numbers are indexed from 1 to 10,000. This also returns the ETag of the part, which is also necessary for completing the upload.

"content-to -be-encoded")
.flatMap { response => IO { println(s"Part ETag: ${response.eTag}") } }
// res4: IO[Unit] = IO$595187629

Once all parts are uploaded, the upload can be completed. This is done using the method completeMultipartUpload method. This method requires all ETags for each part in a list, in order of assembly.

uploadId = "943465sdf54sdf654sd321fdf",
parts = List("9320f0j32f0j23f0j382jf", "9320f0j32f0mg59khf32jf"))
// res5: IO[CompleteMultipartUploadResponse] = IO$1497233367

Higher-Level Multipart Upload Method​

To use the higher-level multipart upload, first invoke the startMultipartUpload method. This returns a Resource[F, MultipartUpload].

This Resource includes the sendPart method which is used to send a file chunk. The Resource automatically keeps track of returned ETags and generates part numbers upon uploading another part. Upon the release of the Resource, the multipart upload is completed automatically. Parts sent to upload must be sent in the order that should be reassembled. If the Resource is cancelled or an error occurs, the multipart upload is aborted.

import org.http4s.EntityEncoder

//For docs purposes, send a singular part t.
def upload[T](t: T)(implicit enc: EntityEncoder[IO, T]) =
s3.startMultipartUpload("bucket", "key").use { mp => mp.sendPart(t) }